6 Latest Tools to Become a Professional Content writer

become a professional content writer and earn money by doing work for clients from home

A recent survey found that the demand for content writers has dropped by 21% since the launch of ChatGPT and many new comers who looking for their career in content writer field suffered a lot. But guys, worry not! The ChatGPT AI is not a curse, it is a boon and if you know how to use it in a right way then you can become a professional content writer and secure your job in the market and earn money like other pro writers.

The job of a content writer is to create a well and in-depth article backed by facts. Their job is to write a fresh and informative content that make sense and keeps the audience in loop or engaged. Their job is to edit Pdf, docs, and texts in such a way that people can understand and share the same to others on social media platforms.

So how you can master and write an engaging article? How you can become a professional content writer which even an AI tool can’t beat? Let’s dive into the 5 five latest tools that will help you elevate your writing skills and improve the quality of your content.

1. Keyword Search Tools for Volume & Trends

The very first step is to do proper research about the content. As your content will be published online and people will access it by typing some keywords on search engines, make sure you have added that keywords in your article.

To find out what keywords people search? You can take the help of google keyword planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush keyword searching tools. There are others tools in market too, but these are best to know the keyword per month volume and competition.

Apart from that, you can also use the google trends to find out what latest is trending in the market. This will give you an idea; what people would like to know. And if you know this particular thing is trending in the market, you can write on topics that are relevant to your audience and rank article fast on search engines!

So do a proper research of keywords, make a list and once you are done, use the keywords smartly (don’t do spam) in article title, content, image, meta title, and meta description. You can also add some related keywords in the article in multiple paragraphs.

2. AI-Based Quick Writing Tools

This is the era of Artificial Intelligence and by opting the AI tools you can speed up your work and earn more in less time. The AI based writing tools like ChatGPT, Claude AI, Jasper AI, etc. these can speed up your work by 5X.

You can write a prompt, and these tools will write a professional article of 1000 words in just 2-3 minutes. These tools write the content in much faster way which an average content writer takes around 2-3 hours.

So, if you are not getting where to start, then these tools can help you and give a brief about what should be in the article, how to start and how to end. You can even write prompt to create a killer introduction and ending.

As the above-mentioned tools do not work on real-time, you can use Google Gemini to know more about the latest facts. You can even verify the copy of AI based content on Google Gemini and check facts and deliver an accurate article to clients or viewers.

3. Online Writing Applications to Give a Human Touch

The AI based writing tools write content quickly, but they are not accurate. They fail to deliver real-time facts in the article and if you would to rank your article copy on search engines then the content should be fresh or updated as per the latest trends.

Hence, the human touch is required where you as a content write add new facts in the article. You can add value in the content and make it better. For this, you can use the online writing tools like Google docs, Evernote, MS Word.  With the help of a decent speed internet like 4G or 5G, you can open these applications on your device and start writing.

In case, if you are working on a book, then you can use the same writing tools to edit content with online pdf editor or online doc editor. You can easily add, remove lines and also change font and colors!

The best thing about these online writing applications is that, they are saved on the cloud which you can access anytime and share with others easily. Unlike offline applications, this cloud based online platform is quite secure and easy to use.

4. Visual Content Creation Applications

In today’s content landscape, text alone is often not enough. Adding visuals like images, infographics, and videos can greatly enhance your content’s appeal and engagement. This is where visual content creation applications come into play.

For this you can use popular tools like Canva, Pixabay, Creative Fabrica, Pexels, Adobe Express, Adobe Spark, Piktochart and a lot more. They all offer pre-made templates, which you can use as it or you can edit and then use it in your article.

Visuals help break up long chunks of text and make your content more engaging. Infographics and images can also help explain complicated concepts, making your content more accessible and easier to digest for readers.

5. Proofreading & Editing Tools

Once you’ve written your content, proofreading and editing are essential steps to ensure quality. Proofreading and editing tools help you catch errors, refine your language, and make your content more compelling.

The tools like Grammarly, Slick Write, and Ginger Software… they check the mistakes in your article like spelling mistakes, Grammer error, punctuation errors, tone and a lot more. As a human we do a lot of mistakes in writing, hence these tools give suggestions to correct errors and polish our writing so we can deliver an error free article to clients.

Being a non-native English speaker, these proofreading tools are a boon for you as you can edit an article and make it error free. You can refine the copy and make it best and once you are okay; you can check plagiarism.

6. Plagiarism and AI Detection Tools

Once you are okay with your copy… you can check its content in a plagiarism and AI based tool. The article should be unique and backed by latest facts. To check plagiarism, you can use a plagiarism tool which you can easily find on google for free.

The article should be 80-100% unique because a unique article attracts more visitors. If value is around 70% then, you need to re-edit the article content as it won’t rank on search engine easily or you can say the same content already read by the viewers.

Being a freelancer content writer, you need to check your content with a plagiarism checking tool before giving it to the client.

This is not end, as this is an era of AI, you need to check your content in AI checker tools too. The copy of article should also be 80-100% written by human.

AI written means, the copy of article is outdated and it won’t index on google search engine. So, make sure, if article copy is around 70% AI written, then re-edit the content, add human touch, make some changes, add new facts and then recheck it.


Becoming a professional content writer is about more than just being good with words. It involves mastering a variety of tools that help streamline the writing process, improve content quality, and optimize it for search engines. From keyword research to visual creation, these tools ensure that your content is both engaging and effective.

By incorporating these tools into your workflow, you can enhance your writing skills, save time, and produce content that stands out in today’s competitive digital landscape. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, these tools will help you take your content writing to the next level.

What else you would like to know? Please comment your opinion in the comment box below and don’t forget to share tips to become a professional content writer on social media with your friends and family members.