How to prevent browser hijacker virus in Windows 10 or Mac

browser hijacker virus

These days we use many type of browsers to surf internet. So to take the advantage of this thing some people do cleaver tricks and try to increase revenue by controlling the browsers settings using browser hijacker virus.

And when this happens then we see anonymous ads, search pages, unknown search engines, and search bar in the browser home area and we finally realize that our browser hijacked.

Let’s see what exactly it is? What it does? and how we can prevent all these crazy changes in your browser!

browser hijacker virus

What is a browser hijacker virus?

A browser hijacker is a malicious program that modifies a web browser setting without the user’s permission. This browser can be any browser installed in your system and when this malware thing happens, it redirects the user to websites the user had not intended to visit.

So all this called a browser redirect virus  and it enables browser hijacking. These are the following things that you may experience…

  • A browser hijacker may change the default browser search engine or homepage.
  • It causes web pages to load slowly, may that page script using for bitcoin mining.
  • It installs multiple toolbars on the browser without user permission and generate multiple pop-up alerts for advertisements.

Are browser hijackers dangerous?

Yes, the aim of a browser hijacker is to help the cyber criminal generate fraudulent advertising revenue. When the user clicks on the dummy search results, the hijacker gets paid. The cyber criminal can also sell all this sensitive information, browsing habits to third parties for marketing purposes.

In addition to that…

  • A browser hijacker may contain spyware enabling the attacker to obtain the user’s banking information or other sensitive data.
  • Browser hijacker malware may also install ransomware, malware that encrypts data on the victim system.

How browser hijacking works

It all starts with a download…!

Browser hijacking is often done as part of the installation process for a downloaded application that the user believed to be legitimate.

A user also may be duped into agreeing to an additional download when agreeing to terms and conditions to install the application.

The victim may have been offered the option to decline the installation of the browser hijacker software, but that information was likely displayed in a way intended to deliberately confuse the user into downloading the malicious software.

Browser hijacker infections can be spread through malicious email attachments, downloaded infected files or by visiting infected websites.

Many browser hijackings come from add-on software, i.e., third-party software, plug-ins or scripts added to programs to give them extra features and functionality.

An example of a software add-on is Adobe Flash, which lets users watch videos or play games in browsers.

While add-ons may improve the user experience on a website by providing interactive content, such as animations, some add-on software can cause a computer to stop responding or display potentially unwanted programs such as pop-up ads.

How do I get rid of a browser hijacker?

This browser hijacking thing can be happened with anyone, even we also experienced this in last 2 years and here’s what we did to remove the malware from our browser and made it malware free. These are the simple ways to stop this!

#1. Remove the add-on

You have to remove the extra installed add-on from system using Add/Remove Programs or Uninstall a Program in the Windows control panel.

#2. Re-Install Browser

If the #1 method doesn’t work then remove the browser from system, uninstall it and later download a new copy of browser using your default browser and install it.

So now you will have a new fresh version of browser which will be malware free and more secure then older version.

If above methods won’t work, it may be necessary to use browser hijacker removal tools, available from antivirus software vendors to remove the browser hijacker malware.

The best way to prevent your browser from hijacking is, always install the extra add-ons or system applications by reading the terms and conditions.

If the installation window shows an extra app that you don’t know then please avoid it also keep a sharp eye on default checked check-boxes, sometime whatever they recommend it is totally unnecessary.

I hope this will help you in better understanding!