Change Steam Password and Get the Full Access – Recovery Guide!

Change Steam Password

Is anyone using your account or you forgot the password? If yes, here’s how to change steam password quickly using forgot your password option on login page. This way you’ll get full control on your account and you can later secure it by adding strong password. Let’s see how to reset password via the steam login page.

Change Steam Password Quickly using the Following Steps

Well guys, steam change password process is quite easy and you can do it by doing the following steps given below:

Change Password: Steps

This option we mainly prefer when you want to update the account password. So then first do the login using your existing password and once you logged-in then change steam account password by visiting the setting page.

Change Steam PasswordHere are the steps to add new password…

  1. Go to login page and do the login using Steam Account Name & Password.
  2. Once you logged-in, go to the Settings.
  3. Now under the Account Tab, select the Change Password
  4. Enter you existing /current password and click next.
  5. Here an email will be sent, check email for confirmation code and enter the following things to update the password.
    • Enter confirmation code received in email.
    • Enter new password – here’s how to create a strong password.
    • Again enter the new password to confirm.
    • Click next and your password will be changed!

So this is the complete process to set new password of your steam account, which is I would say quite simple and easy.  It is also secured and verified way!

But if you don’t remember your password then how would you change steam password?

Well to sort out this, check out the following steps. Using that you event change the password if don’t know the old login password.

Reset Password: Steps

Well if you forgot the password, then to set new password you have to follow the below steps. This will help in your password reset process.

  1. Visit Steam login page and click on forgot password link –
  2. Now select ‘I forgot my Steam Account name or password’ option.
  3. Enter your email or phone number, whatever you provided during registration.
  4. So here, either by confirmation code or password reset link you can change the password.
  5. Click on that link and add new password.
  6. That’s all; your steam account password will be reset!

Contact Steam Support

If you still unable to recover your steam account then with the help of steam support you can recover it easily. Contact the Steam Support, they will verify the account is yours and recover it for you.

When contacting Steam Support, try to provide as much of the following as possible:

  1. Proof of account ownership
  2. Any possible Steam Account login names
  3. Any possible email addresses used on the account

So this is how you can change steam password. I hope this guide will help.

If you need anything else, let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to share it on social sites!