Syncmate – A convenient tool to sync Android devices with MAC PCs


We all want to keep our digital life synchronized that requires syncing data between the various devices we use. Mostly Android users rely on Google services to keep their accounts and devices in sync, but not everything gets taken care of by the Google services. That is where SyncMate comes in and fills the gaps.

This app allows you to synch a plethora of services and devices to and from your MAC system. Those who have been using iTunes to do this job on their MAC OS will find that SyncMate is much more versatile than iTunes and also easier to use. What else, SyncMate not only allows you to sync Android with Mac (both ways), but you can also mount Android as a Mac disk and work with SyncMate in the Finder.


What all you can sync with SyncMate

SyncMate can be used to connect Android to Mac, iOS devices, external hard drives, Google accounts, additional Mac computers, MPT devices, dropbox, MS services (One Drive, outlook, office), and iCloud. It makes managing your entire digital life a breeze with the volume of options available in its kitty. Here is the full list of what all you can sync, but the options will differ based on the service or device you are trying to sync with your Mac:

  • Photos – You can choose pictures or folders you want to sync between devices. You can choose whether you need to sync from the device to Mac or the other way.
  • SMS – You will get a full list of your messages, sorted by the recipient’s name. You can export the whole collection or choose which recipients you want to export. SyncMate would only work with SMS and not MMS.
  • Calls – It displays a list of your calls with their duration, date, and time. Calls can be sorted based on missed, received, or outgoing.
  • Calendar – You can choose which calendars you want to sync and the direction for sync. You can set from 1 to 47 weeks in the past or future date to sync your calendars.
  • Reminders – Works similar to the calendar.
  • Folders – You can sync folders across devices. You would need to select the folder on Mac and then the folder on the device or service where you want to sync and then choose if you want the syncing to happen both ways or just one way.
  • Contacts – It takes away the major pain of entering contacts in multiple devices. You can select the entire list or only choose a few contacts you wish to sync.
  • Music – You can sync music from the iTunes library.
  • iTunes – You can use this to sync folders with music to and from your Mac system.
  • Backup – This feature of SyncMate automatically creates a timestamped backup each time you sync. So in case anything happens which corrupts your contact, playlists, etc., you can roll back to the previous version.

Background Syncing

The duration of time your sync takes can vary based on the volume of data. Hence, SyncMate works in the background, and you can resume your work as usual on your devices while the sync is happening.

SyncMate Pricing

The free version of SyncMate allows you to sync calendars and contact. The background syncing feature is also free.

If you want premium versions, then there is a one-time fee that allows you to use the tool on 2, 6, 10, or unlimited MACs based on which version you pick. If you need simple file transfers between Android devices and the Mac system, then you can use SyncMate’s MacDroid that has a nominal fee to be paid monthly.


SyncMate is a unique tool in the market which syncs your Android devices to and from Mac. It has features that are beyond Google services or iTunes and is a pretty easy to use tool. Syncing calendar and contacts are absolutely free, while for premium features there is a one-time fee involved.