What To Know About A Career In Software Development

For those with an interest in apps and software, a career in software development could be the perfect area. Apps and software play an enormous part in life and business in today’s day and age, so there is always a need for great software developers, plus you will find the work to be interesting and rewarding, along with many other benefits. This is a career path that many people are turning to right now, which is why it is a good idea to be aware of a few key things about this career that will hopefully give you an idea of what it is like.

Career In Software Development

It Is Constantly Changing

One of the most important aspects to be aware of when it comes to a career in software development is that it is constantly changing. This means that even with qualifications, you still need to continuously learn and improve your abilities. A 2020 survey found that a third of developers believe that their existing skills will only be relevant for the next three years, so you need to commit to ongoing learning if you want to excel in this role.

You Need A High Degree Of Technical Capability

As you would expect, strong technical skills are essential for this role, which is the area that you need to focus on first. It will be impossible to find success in this role without strong coding skills and a grasp of at least one of the major programming languages – the big 3 are JavaScript, Python, and Java. You can teach yourself these, but some courses are worthwhile for those looking to enter the professional field of software development.

Strong Business Knowledge Is Useful

One of the best ways to separate yourself from the competition for software development is having a sound knowledge of the business. Developers that understand the bigger picture when it comes to the organizations that they are developing for will always find success, create stronger relationships, and will be able to rise to leadership positions. You do not need to be an expert on how businesses run but understanding their goals and challenges will immediately help you to stand out.

Strong Communication Skills Are A Must

The stereotype of software developers working alone in a dark room is way off the mark, and you will find that this is actually a highly social role. You need to be able to work as part of a team, contribute ideas, present your work, and work closely with clients to understand their needs. This means that you need to have strong verbal, writing, presentational, and listening skills to find success as a software developer, and these are all skills that can be developed if any are currently weaknesses.

You Can Take A Masters Online

One of the best ways to develop the skills that are needed to excel in software development is with a master’s in computer science with a software engineering track. In addition, you can earn a masters in computer science online, which is a great way to earn a qualification that will boost your career and give you the knowledge needed to excel and put you a step ahead of other candidates.

It Is A Field That Is Growing

Now is also a good time to pursue a career in software development, with The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimating a 22% growth in software development roles between 2019 and 2029, which exceeds the 4% expected growth of all occupations. This is a positive because it means that it should not be too challenging to find work, and you will benefit from job security moving forward.

It Can Be Lucrative

Following on from this, you will also find that software developers can earn good money. The average salary for a software developer in 2020 was $110,140 per year, and there are lots of opportunities to progress your career and earn even more money if you wish. In addition, Tech fields are emerging right now, and software developers can find work in many areas, including cloud solutions, AI, and the Internet of Things.

Work Is Intensive

As you might imagine, it can be intense with this type of work, and you need to have a strong work ethic and be meticulous in your work. This is not your typical 9-5 role, which means that you will often take work home with you, and you might end up working at all hours to meet any tight deadlines that you have. Therefore, this is more a way of life than a job for many, but this is also part of the enjoyment for those with a passion for software development.

Work Is Flexible

The other side of the coin is that this also means that work can be flexible as a software developer. You get the ability to work from home and get great autonomy, which will be a major plus for many and allow you to build your own work-life balance, which will be important for many people.

Interviews Are Tough

Interviews are always stressful no matter what field you are in, but in software development and other tech roles, you will find them to be extremely difficult, and you need to prepare for this. Tech companies often have multiple interviews for one role, including technical tests, video interviews, written interviews, and face-to-face interviews. This means that you need to study for interviews, and they can be grueling, and you will likely have to do a few before you find success, so you might need to have thick skin too.

Hopefully, this post will give you a better idea of what to expect with a career in software development. For those interested in software and apps, this can be a fantastic career path to follow, and now is also a good time to enter this field. Of course, there are challenges, but it also has many perks and can provide a stable, interesting, flexible, and lucrative career.