10 Reasons Why You Need a Password Manager to Securely Run Your Online Business

Security Online

A password is something you know, so something that is optimally only in your memory. Since the memory is not perfect, people still write their passwords, on paper or in notebooks (which is a very bad idea) or in a file (preferably protected by another password) or use the services of a program that stores all passwords in an encrypted archive – password manager. If any of this is within reach of a hacker’s hand (or eye), you can only say goodbye to security.

Even if you choose and store your passwords well, someone may read them over your shoulder as you log in, catch them in a keylogger program that is secretly installed on the computer you are using, or even retrieve the password from you. Internet communications of your computer, eavesdropping on Wi-Fi traffic, or packets passing through LAN cables.

Security Online

That is why it is a natural idea to supplement the password, something you know, with something else, which will not be so easy to misuse. For example, something you have and always carries with you.

Some banks provide access to the account with a small device (“token”) that generates one-time passwords, but it is difficult to expect to carry ten such devices with you and use one for the bank, another for Gmail, and a third for social networks. It remains to use some universal device that everyone already has, and that is a smartphone.

In general, two-step authentication works by having you login to a system by entering a username and password, the system freezes the login process and sends the unique code you receive on your mobile phone.

Only when you enter this code in the mask that is printed on the computer screen, the login process is completed and you gain access to the system. So if someone knows your password, they can’t log in without your cell phone. If he somehow finds the phone (finds it or steals it), he cannot log in without a password. It sounds simple and effective, but it hides many subtleties and potential problems.

10 Reasons to Install a Password Manager

If you have multiple business accounts and have enough security to maintain different passwords, you need a password manager. Password managers are available for free, as part of your web browser or as a premium subscription. They are vital to managing your online accounts – here’s why:

  • You don’t have to memorize passwords
  • You will only need one master password
  • Save time by signing in automatically
  • Ability to check current passwords
  • Encrypted storage for passwords, bank details, and more
  • Access passwords from any platform

Think for a moment about how many passwords you use. While one or two passwords are easy to remember, five or six becomes a little more complicated. Of course, there is a temptation to use the same password for all accounts. With the Keeper Password Manager, you don’t have to remember every password for every account, the tool will do it for you effortlessly. However, you need to know one password – password managers use a master password that allows access to the encrypted contents of a secure vault.

Keeper Password Manager

So if you remember the master password, your password manager will work, filling in passwords and account details as needed. Sometimes you don’t even need a password. For example, a mobile app might use a phone fingerprint reader or tablet to authenticate. Another advantage of a password manager is how it can speed up login to websites and mobile applications.

This is because the password manager will record your username along with the password for the appropriate site. When the login page opens, this will be detected and the credentials are automatically copied from the password manager. Some websites block autocomplete, but in most cases, it works well.  Often you don’t even know what a password is because the software will take over the creation job.

But what if you need to know the password? Well, you can look it up in Password Manager. You may be trying to access your account, for example, from another device or set up a mobile application. Simply open the password manager, find the account list, and click the eye icon to see the password. As noted, password managers securely store data. There is no way someone can access you without your master password. This encrypts the storage, preventing them from decoding and stealing.

It’s not just passwords stored in the password manager. Credit card details can also be stored, while most tools also offer a basic notebook for storing important data. These can be documents or keys of locked boxes, padlocks, object code.

It all depends on your master password, so don’t forget it! The complexity of the passwords created by the password manager can be customized. But by default it is set as cunning for hacking, taking advantage of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation. The result is a different, randomly generated password for each account you have set in your password manager. Remember the problem you had with remembering passwords for just a few sites? Your password manager not only remembers your account credentials but can also create a secure password to improve your security.

Makes sense: Use a password manager today!

By now you are convinced of the importance of a password manager. If not, look at this like this: with antivirus and VPN, a password manager is the last component of your digital security triumvirate.

Anyone who uses Internet passwords needs a secure password manager. The risk is theft of the account, which can lead to identity theft, and soon after, monetary loss. This can even lead to data loss or physical assets.

The answer? Install the password manager now.

Which would you choose? Check out the list of the best password managers for every occasion. Do you remember your increasingly complex passwords? It’s time to rely on one of the password managers!