These 20 Organizations are working to support Women in Tech

Women in Tech

In today’s AI packed world, technology has become an integral part of our lives and giving new heights to life style. Everybody is adopting it very fast to be in the race… however, the participation of women in tech field is still limited and a question of debate. This disparity not only reflects a lack of opportunities but also shows that there is a need for more diversity in this field.

Many organizations and groups of various countries like UK, USA, India, China, Russia are working to eliminate this gap so that women can participate with confidence in technology and signup for leadership roles.

In this article, we will let you know about the 20 top organizations that are helping women in technology and bridge the gender diversity gap. They offer scholarship, run programs and award them time to time. Have a look at the 20 groups that advancing women in tech to close the diversity gap.

1. Ada Developers Academy

Ada Developers Academy is a non-profit coding organization that teaches coding to women and gender expansive individuals for free. In this, experts and experienced tutors take lectures and teach subjects related to coding so the women can learn and be part of new technology.

In this non-profit organization, particularly preference is given to BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ and low-income individuals and they take session in winter, spring and summer. The program provides not only coding but also mentorship, mental health support, and a collaborative learning environment.

You can register for live classes which Ada Developers Academy take in the season of Winter, Spring, and Summer from Feb to June, but if these months are passed (now in August, September or December) you can take offline or recorded sessions and learn by yourself as Ada has build self-guided curriculum for the students.

2. is another non-profit group which was started in 1997 by by computer scientists Anita Borg and Telle Whitney. This organization works to empower women in tech and connect them with new world.

Its aim is to inspire, connect and mentor women in the field of computer science. The organization brings together women online through platforms like ‘Sisters’ and gives them opportunities for networking. You can check latest updates on and join movement.

3. Black Girls Code

Black Girls Code works to support technical education, especially for girls of color. Since 2011, has supported girls of color in tech through coding education and more.

This organization has partnered with schools and organizations to offer a range of programs, both in-person and virtual, for ages 7-25 so they can make them perfect for current world.

The main initiative is to go beyond coding to build confidence and connections, enhancing technical skills, community bonds, and career paths.Its aim is to get girls interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) at an early age so that they can pursue careers in this field later on.

4. Girl Develop It

Girl Develop It is a non-profit organization that provides web and software development course to women and non-binary people at affordable rates. At can find a ton of courses and learn it online on your laptop with the help of high speed 4G or 5G or fiber optics broadband.

To give you an idea you can register for Python 101 course by paying $260 and learn Python at your home from the experts + you can also learn some related coding course for free.

The organization teaches them new technical skills through hands-on programs and helps them reach career heights and you should explore it once to get what other benefits you can get!

5. Girls in Tech

Girls in Tech’s did a great job in past to eliminate gender inequality in the tech sector worldwide. The organization tried their best to empower women and girls to achieve success in technology through programs such as coding courses, bootcamps, and hackathons.

A number of women got benefits from At present, it is not working, but its efforts still in memory and many recorded courses or archive projects still helping a lot!

6. Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code is a global organization that works to reduce gender inequality in the tech sector. To support girls, this platform runs trending course each and every month which you can find in the programs tab.

The main purpose of this platform to support girls to develop an interest in computer programming and provide them with a strong community and you can join their community today for free.

You can learn about the programming languages for free, just visit the code at home tab under program or visit and know more in detail and expand your knowledge for free.

7. IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE)

Being an engineer, you might be well aware of IEEE. It is one of the biggest technical professional organizations which now launched a separate wing named Women in Engineering (WIE) to inspire women in engineering and science and educate about new technology.

The goal of this organization is to empower women in the tech sector and provide them with career development opportunities. This way they can encourage girls and reduce the inequality gap.

8. Million Women Mentors (MWM)

MWM aims to build a mentorship network to increase the number of women in STEM and tech careers. The organization inspires girls and women to pursue and progress in a career in technology by connecting industry mentors with young tech-hopefuls who could benefit from guidance and direction while starting out their careers.

9. National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT)

NCWIT’s mission is to drive innovation by promoting women’s participation in the tech sector. The organization runs programs not only for professionals but also for children, teens, and young adults, helping them become tech-aware and inspired.

They have different programs like Aspirations in Computing, BridgeUP STEM, Counselors for Computing, NCWIT Alliances, and TeachEngineering. Women can join and learn new things and be part of latest technology. You can find this programs on in programs tab!

10. Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

SWE has been giving women a voice in the engineering field for the past seven decades. Its goal is to empower women for career growth and representation in the industry. Also, the organization provides scholarships and professional development opportunities.

On, you can find a dozen of programs and register for free, you can also become its member and learn futuristic technology and present yourself as a strong leader or contender!

11. Switch (formerly Women 2.0)

Switch is a media and tech company that works to raise awareness on diversity and inclusion issues. The organization provides programs and resources for startup founders to make their startups more inclusive and diverse.

So basically Switch help those who want to start their business and for this they guide you how to plan things, what should be the approach, how you can get funding, and how you can grow your company.

You can get more details on and here you can read latest blogs to get an idea how the things works at Switch and if you want to know, you can contact.

12. TechLadies

TechLadies is a networking organization that connects women to jobs and opportunities in the tech sector. Its members benefit from an online community, webinars, and skill development programs to help them progress in their careers.

On tech ladies platform, you can learn and develop your skills with access to exclusive webinars and content. Additionally, you can polish your tech skills by attending live events and this portal help in jobs too. You can discover great opportunities from companies hiring women in tech.

So this is one of the best and trust-able platform. You must visit and explore the site for great details.

13. TechWomen

TechWomen is a US government program that connects women working in STEM fields with a global network. Its purpose is to help women in leadership and technical development. This platform works as a mentorship and exchange program, bringing women over from other countries to the US to “engage in project-based mentorships at leading companies” in the San Francisco Bay Area.

14. Women in STEM

The main objective of Women in STEM is to inspire and guide students and professionals in the STEM field. This organization provides them with mentorship, career advice, and networking opportunities.

15. Women in Tech (WIT)

WIT aims to empower women and girls in STEM for education, business, and digital inclusion. This organization provides career and leadership support to women through a global mentorship program.

16. Women in Technology (WIT)

Women in Technology provides leadership, education, and networking opportunities for women in the tech sector. Its mentor-protégé program connects women with four different experts to provide them with better guidance.

17. Women in Tech Council (WTC)

The main objective of WTC is to develop a pipeline for women from high school to the C-level. The organization prepares women for leadership in startups, innovation, and inclusion.

18. Women in Technology International (WITI)

WITI is a global organization that inspires women to innovate in STEM. The organization provides career coaching, events, and networking opportunities that help empower women professionally and personally.

19. Women Who Code

Women Who Code is an organization that encourages women to master coding and programming skills. Its aim is to empower women in leadership and technical roles. This was launched as a community group in 2011 by a small team of engineers but later in 2013, this group was registered as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in California and moved its headquarters to Atlanta, Georgia in 2018.

The focus of this organization is to empower women with the coding and programming skills they need to advance in their careers, educating companies on how to promote, retain and hire women and establishing a global community of mentorship and support for women engineers.

20. Women Who Tech

Women Who Tech aims to eliminate gender inequality in tech startups and entrepreneurship. This organization provides financial assistance to women-led startups so that they can progress in their business.

The organization main goal is to offer equity-free grants to women-led startups, selecting 5 finalists who participate in a virtual pitch coaching and pitch series. They hope to help close the funding gap by supporting and backing women-led tech startups all around the world.


These 20 organizations are not only inspiring women to pursue a career in the tech sector but are also challenging gender inequality in technology. With the efforts of these organizations, the tech industry is becoming more diverse and inclusive, which is beneficial not only for women but for the entire society.

If you also want to make a career in the tech sector or want to inspire any woman, then empower yourself by becoming a part of these organizations and ensure your place in the tech world.