5 Optimization Tricks Windows 10 Users Must Know

optimization tricks Windows 10

Technology keeps getting better and better with the ever-changing times. The original IBM laptops seem ancient even when they appeared on the scene no more than thirty years ago. With tech giants like Apple and Windows rolling out upgrades every week, keeping up with them is getting increasingly difficult. Older devices at your home or office can start appearing slower and buggier in comparison to brand-new products. Not to forget, over time, every new device accumulates junk, cache content and spam that slows its processor down. But here is the catch – instead of spending hundreds of dollars to cop a new PC or paying to change the software, there is a cheap and ingenious alternative to all your woes.

optimization tricks Windows 10

Windows 10 was lauded and mostly received positive reviews for its interface and performance upon its initial release. Although it has only been a mere five years since it came out, if you are dealing with a slow PC, chances are it may be time for a change. By ‘change’ we do not mean replacing the PC itself but optimizing the Windows 10 software for speedier performance. With some slight tweaks done to the software and hardware, your PC will not just be up and running but ready for action. Here are 5 easy tips and tricks to optimize the performance of your Windows 10 PC.

5 Optimization Tricks Windows 10 Users Must Know

#1. Install an antivirus software

An effective antivirus software is the key to protecting your PC from malware like trojans and adware. Such vicious software are programmed to penetrate the defences of your PC and cause damage to the device. Additionally, it can be used to access private data and take control of your PC. An effective antivirus blocks viruses and malware protects you from identity theft, phishing, and fraud, and keeps your data encrypted to keep you from being compromised along with protecting you on the Internet.

Many tech companies build free antivirus software, ready for download. They all differ from each other in terms of price, performance, and functions. While choosing the best antivirus for Windows, you might find yourself in a fix. Research first then compare your options and choose the one that is tailored for your usage, device’s requirements and budget. But take no chances on security.

#2. Clean it up

2.1 Uninstall apps you do not need

There are usually many applications on your device; some of these come pre-installed while some you download yourself. It is likely that some or many of these apps may not be useful. Instead of keeping a barrage of non-essential apps on your device that eat away its storage and slow down its performance, uninstalling them is the best option.

2.2 Clean your registry

The Registry controls and keeps a track of what Windows does and how it looks. Sometimes when you uninstall an application, it does not always mean the settings are deleted from Registry. This is unknown to most laypersons which means a normal Registry looks messy, to say the least. To get your Registry cleaned up, download a free Registry cleaner – of which plenty are available online.

2.3 Clean your hard disk

A bloated hard disk means slower speeds and lots of hanging – lots. Using Windows 10’s customizable built-in-tool Storage Sense, you can delete old junk like temporary files, unused files in your Recycle Bin.

#3. Disable background apps

Like your mobile phone, there are always certain applications that run in the background. In simpler words, they launch as you start your PC. To keep your device running smoothly, launch Task Manager, click the Startup tab, and disable the apps that you do not want to run at Startup. If you decide against it later, you can always follow the same steps but instead, click on ‘Enable.’

#4. Disable animations

Exciting visual effects and animations can do wonders for the visual aesthetic of your PC. However, eye candy like this can often compromise the functionality and efficiency of your PC, especially if it is an older model. Using the System Properties dialog box, launch the Performance Options dialog box and select, ‘Adjust for best performance.’

5. Use ReadyBoost

The Windows PC can be a treasure trove we do not end up excavating enough. Your PC stores cached data that is retrieved when necessary. The speed of this retrieval usually depends on the speed of your hard disk. Using Windows’ ReadyBoost feature, allows Windows to cache data to a USB flash drive instead. Fetching data using a USB flash drive means speedier performance.

In conclusion:

A system slowdown does not always mean buying a new PC. With these nifty and efficient tips and tricks, your machine will work as good as new.