Tech Entrepreneur – 35 Successful Men and Women Entrepreneurs

Tech Entrepreneur

We use apps, websites to full-fill our daily activities but we don’t know who created them. So let’s see the tech entrepreneur list of successful men and women entrepreneurs who changed the world forever and took the technology to next level.

Some of the tech entrepreneurs that I’m going to enlist here, they started their companies in 1980’s while some started in 2000, 2010 and now they become successful.

All these entrepreneurs are now investing in other technologies to make mankind better. Some young entrepreneurs are investing in AI and space technology!

Tech EntrepreneurTech Entrepreneur – Men and Women Entrepreneurs in Tech Industry

Well guys, the entrepreneurs you will see… all are successful and running their business in full swing. If you are a techy then you can also become an entrepreneur like one of them and win the tech industry.

Male Entrepreneurs

  1. Jeff Bezos – Amazon
  2. Bill Gates – Microsoft
  3. Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook
  4. Elon Musk – SpaceX
  5. Larry Page – Google
  6. Sergey Bin – Google
  7. Larry Ellison – Oracle
  8. Jan Konum – Whatsapp
  9. Evan Spiegel – Snapchat
  10. Brian Acton – Whatsapp
  11. Alexis Ohanian – Reddit
  12. Brian Chesky – Airbnb
  13. Ben Silbermann – Pinterst
  14. Jay Adelson- Digg
  15. Jimmy Wales – Encyclopedia Wikipedia
  16. Tony Hsieh – Zappos
  17. Dennis Crowley – Dodgeball and Foursquare
  18. Justin Kan –Twitch
  19. Jack Dorsey – Twitter
  20. Ryan Roslansky – Linkedin

Female Entrepreneurs

  1. Cindy Mi – VIPKID
  2. Rosanna Myers – Carbon Robotics
  3. Reshma Saujani – Girls Who Code
  4. Jessica Richman – uBiome
  5. Michelle Zatlyn – CloudFare
  6. Kelly Peng – Kura Technologies
  7. Lisa Falzone – Athena Security
  8. Maha Achour – Metawave
  9. Annie Tao – Horizon Robotics
  10. Christine Spang – Nylas
  11. Edith Harbaugh – LaunchDarkly
  12. Sandy Jen – Honor
  13. Carlene Jackson – Cloud9Insight
  14. Samantha Snabes – Re:3D
  15. Melanie Perkins – Canva

So this is the list of most famous and successful tech entrepreneurs in the world. They are doing very well and also open new opportunities for other people.

Did we forget to mention any tech entrepreneur here?

Please let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to share the list of successful men and women Entrepreneurs in tech industry with your friends on social sites.