Professional Laptop Buying Guide for Your Office or Personal Work

Professional Laptop

In this professional laptop buying guide, I will let you know when you should decide to buy a laptop for you work. There are a plenty of reason which you can check and then upgrade to new one!

You have a laptop that you use for work, but it’s getting old.

Your laptop is slowing down and the battery doesn’t last as long as it used to. There are times when your computer just won’t turn on at all. It seems like there are always problems with your device.

You know you need a new one, but which one should you buy? What features do you need in a new laptop? How much should you spend? And how can you save money by buying refurbished or used laptops instead of brand new ones? Well, Keep reading to discover how to tell when you need a new professional laptop!

Professional Laptop

When you should buy a Professional Laptop?

#1. It Isn’t Turning On

If your laptop suddenly won’t turn on, this is a sign that the battery might be completely drained. If this isn’t happening to you, it could be an indication that other parts of the computer are malfunctioning and need to be repaired or replaced.

#2. It’s Unresponsive

When you touch or click any part of your laptop, there should be an immediate reaction. If you press something and nothing happens for several seconds, if not minutes, it means that either an internal component is failing or that there’s moisture within the laptop.

#3. The Computer Is Overheating

This is a warning sign that your computer needs servicing immediately! Typically laptops run hot because dust has gotten into their various components which interferes with the airflow. If you continue to use your laptop after it has gotten this hot, there is a serious risk of damage.

#4. It’s Running Slowly

If your new laptop suddenly begins to run slowly over time, don’t fool yourself into thinking that all you need to do is reset it or upgrade its memory. If you go through all those options and it still isn’t running smoothly, the internal components are failing and probably won’t be helped by more software upgrades.

#5. Cracks Appear on the Laptop Case

If you notice cracks on the outer shell of your computer, then one of two things have happened: either a collision with something hard or some sort of physical shock has severely damaged both the exterior and more importantly, the interior of your computer. If you’re not careful with your laptop, this may likely happen more than once.

#6. You’ve Dropped Your Laptop

If you have accidentally dropped your laptop from a significant height and the casing has become dented or the manufacturer’s label has been scratched, this is a sign that something inside is probably damaged as well.

#7. The Battery Won’t Charge

This happens to all laptops over time but if you suddenly find yourself with a dead battery no matter how recently you charged it, there could be a problem with either the charger itself or the charging socket on the laptop. In any case, this is an issue that needs to be addressed by a professional technician as soon as possible.

#8. You’ve Never Backed up Your Laptop’s Data, but the Hard Drive Is Making Strange Noises

Laptops have smaller hard drives than desktop computers so they use special compact discs to back up their data. If you notice that your laptop has a disc inside it and strange sounds are coming from that area, then you should take care of this immediately!

These sorts of noises might mean that the drive is going bad and it needs to be replaced.

#9. Strange Lights Are Flashing on your Screen or You Can Hear Beeping Sounds Coming from Your Computer

When laptops fail they usually begin doing strange things like emitting lights or making beeping noises. This can range from minor warning signs to serious problems so it’s best to have a professional technician fix this as soon as possible.

#10. Your Laptop Keeps Crashing for No Apparent Reason

This is one of those laptop problems that will happen if you don’t frequently reboot your computer or run maintenance on it. If your laptop keeps crashing and you can’t figure out how to avoid this, the problem could be either with the computer’s memory or just its general internal components.

Either way, there should be a professional technician handling this before any further damage is done!

#11. Your Laptop is Old

This might seem obvious, but if you’re using a 10-year-old laptop it might be time for an upgrade. If your hardware isn’t running up-to-date software, then this could result in serious errors and make it hard to run any new programs.

#12. Your Laptop’s Battery Life Has Diminished Significantly

As laptops age, their batteries will lose some of their original capacity to hold power. You can replace the internal battery on most laptops which is much cheaper than buying a whole new computer. Don’t forget that there are also external chargers for laptops as well!

It never hurts to double-check that your charger is compatible with the current type of battery though!

#13. Your Computer Keeps Crashing Every Time You Do Graphic-Intensive Tasks

Laptops can be used for anything from basic internet browsing to graphic-intensive applications like CAD design. If your laptop is crashing any time you do something that taxes the processor or graphics card, it might just need an upgrade.

Most laptops have user-upgradeable components so even if you’re not technically minded, you could save yourself some money by upgrading these parts yourself! See which models have it here.

#14. Keyboard Blues

This probably applies to desktop computers more than laptops but it can still be an issue if your keyboard isn’t in tip-top shape. If the keys are sticking, this could cause serious problems when you’re trying to type up anything by hand!

#15. Portability is a Big Issue for You

Laptops are lighter and more portable than desktop computers but if you spend most of your time on the go, this could be a problem. In the age of smartphones and tablets, laptops become more obsolete when they can’t do everything that these smaller gadgets can. A new laptop with increased portability might be in order!

#16. Gadget Paranoia is Taking the Best of You

If you’re not confident in your technical prowess and always feel like things can go wrong, then this might be a good time to get a laptop that’s more user-friendly. Most laptops come with preloaded software for activities like video editing, CAD design, graphic design, and more! This ensures that they won’t slow down once you begin using them for these applications.

#17. Hard Drive Hang-ups

One of the most frustrating issues any laptop user can come across is a hard drive that just won’t work properly. If you’re constantly hearing whirring noises or clicking sounds coming from your computer, then the problem could very well be with the hard drive itself. Try replacing it before spending money on a whole new laptop!

#18. The Processor’s Going Downhill

If you have an older laptop that has already been upgraded, you might run into problems because certain components are past their prime. The best solution to this problem is to replace this component with one that can handle whatever activity you need your laptop for!

Remember, laptops are completely user-upgradeable so save yourself some cash by doing these simple upgrades!

#19. You Can’t Keep Up with the Newest Software

With every new laptop comes new software that runs on them perfectly. You might find yourself locked out of some popular programs or unable to run up-to-date versions because your hardware isn’t compatible!

As stated before, laptops are user up-gradable so you could always upgrade your memory, graphics card, or processor to be able to handle these new programs!

#20. You Need Help Staying Productive

This is one problem that’s only limited by how much money you have. If you’re constantly running into problems with your current computer being able to stay up and running for an extended amount of time, then it might just be time for a different model altogether!

Remember that most professional jobs require a laptop for everyday use so if yours isn’t cutting it, you might have to get a new one!

#21. Your Old Computer is Always Getting Viruses

This could be because your computer’s operating system is outdated or there are basic security issues that arise from using older models. This is another problem that can be solved by upgrading to a newer model with better hardware and software support.

If it still doesn’t help, then you’ll just have to live with the fact that when you buy a laptop it won’t be perfect!

Want Help Upgrading to a Professional Laptop?

There are many factors to consider when deciding if it is time for a new professional laptop. Since you’ve read this blog post, we hope that you know enough about the various indicators of whether or not it may be time to retire your old computer and invest in an upgrade.

The best way to decide what kind of laptop will work best for you is by considering how often you use your device, which features are most important, and how much money can be spent on the newest model.

If at any point during reading this article these considerations were unclear or if there was anything else that needed clarification please feel free to reach out with questions—we would love to help!

Also, don’t forget to check out our blog for more articles to help you replace your laptop and find the best business or professional laptop at affordable prices.