Should I Replace Broken Display or Buy a New Smartphone?

Should I Replace Broken Display

Recently I had read a question on the internet. The question was related to phone display — my handset screen has been cracked in an accident so, should I replace broken display or buy a new smartphone?

This question is very interesting because the display is a core part of your smartphone, used to access many things! You use the display as an interface to dial a number, launch apps. In short, you do a lot of work using the phone display. But when it gets broken, then it is very difficult to access the things.

Should I Replace Broken Display

Should I Replace Broken Display or Buy a New Smartphone?

At that point, you take a decision and visit the nearest service center and ask them to replace it. But when it comes to price… What??? NO! NO! NO!

The price of a phone display is 60% of your smartphone price. So, this might be shocking because companies earn their profit from these things. Companies know very well that a person can’t live without a phone.  So they put the display price higher as compared to other parts.

When this situation occurs, people think or they ask for the suggestions, should I replace broken display or buy a new smartphone?

Suggestion 1

You don’t need to buy a new smartphone. In the market, many local phone displays are available. The prices of these displays are 15 to 20% of your phone and the performance is same like as branded display. So, the first option is, go for the local display!

Suggestion 2

If you don’t believe on the local products (negative review) and your smartphone is a budget one, then I will strictly recommend you, just buy a new phone!

Well, if you don’t want to buy a new mobile then take the risk — prefer suggestion 1 “Budget phone Budget Display.”

Suggestion 3

If you don’t believe on local companies phone displays and don’t want to buy a new smartphone then what? I think your smartphone is expensive and you don’t want to take any risk. So here only one option is available, go for the branded display.

So these were the best suggestions that I had searched on the internet. Pick your favorite one as per your requirement and fix the broken display problem!

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