How to Create a Strong Password that’s Easy to Remember?

create a strong password unique and remember it

Password is a unique security key which is used to lock the important data. Using this security key, you can secure your private data and keep it safe from your enemies.  But, if someone steals it from you, then he/she may unlock your data.  So, it is always necessary to create a strong password.

A strong password is difficult to crack and can’t be easily predictable by others.  So, if you want to create a strong password and want to remember it, then you should read this guide.

In this guide, I am going to teach you, how can you create a strong password and keep your data safe? Read Below:

CREATE A STRONG PASSWORDHow to Create a Strong Password that’s Easy to Remember?

Recently, I read a news about the most common password, 123456 is a very common passkey which is used by many people around the world.

123456 is a very simple password which any novice can easily predict.  If this is your password, then seriously change it, because someone (any novice) can easily hack your account or private information.

You can create a secure password in very easy manner. But before to continue, I want to give some tips.

  • Never keep the numeric or alphabetic password.
  • Never give your Phone No., DOB, and Vehicle Number as your password.
  • Always try to use the combinations like- alphanumeric words.
  • You can also try special symbol to make your password strong.
  • Try to make your password more than 8 words.
  • Use uppercase and lowercase combination.

Now Back to The Topic

Suppose “gadgtesloud” is a password. You want to make it strong, how can you make it strong?

#Tip 1 – G@dgetsl0ud   << use Uppercase, Special Symbols, Lowercase and Numbers.

#Tip 2 – @gadgetsLOUD@ << use Special Symbols, Uppercase and Lowercase.

#Tip 3 –  g@dget$loud!  << use Lower Case and Special Symbols.

So using the combinations, you can easily make the strong password.  You can use the numeric words with these combinations to enhance the security.

Guys, if you’ve any brilliant idea regarding how to create a strong password that’s easy to remember then tell us in the comment section (below) or mail us at We will share it on this post!