What makes up a good gaming PC?

gaming pc

If you are thinking of buying a gaming PC or building one yourself, it is easy to be intimidated by the number of options available, and the cavalcade of components to consider.

To help demystify this process a bit, here is a look at the main elements that will make or break a gaming PC, so that you know what to look out for as you begin your search.

gaming pc

Gaming PC Essential Elements to Play Games without Any Lag

CPU, Motherboard & RAM

The CPU is the beating heart of every PC, but it will need a solid motherboard to sit in and enough RAM to make the most of its features.

Your choice of CPU will determine which motherboard and RAM combo will work for you, so start here. If you are looking for raw gaming power, Intel still just about clings onto the lead in some price brackets, thanks to its aggressive clock speeds, although AMD has made up great ground thanks to its cost-effective, critically acclaimed Ryzen range of chipsets.

For RAM, you can just about get by with 8GB if you are planning on playing lighter eSports titles or running browser-based games like those found on kazoomcasino.com, but realistically you should set 16GB as your minimum target here if you want to future-proof your rig. Likewise look for dual channel memory configurations, as single channel RAM will bottleneck most modern CPUs.

Discrete GPU

While integrated graphics solutions have come on in leaps and bounds recently, the defining factor of any serious gaming machine is a separate GPU that will handle the lion’s share of the work when processing the visual elements of a game.

You can spend anywhere from a few hundred to over a thousand dollars on a GPU, and it is generally agreed that you should allocate as much of your available budget as possible to this one component.

NVIDIA and AMD are the main contenders in this market, and if you are looking for a good balance of price and performance then the recently released NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti is arguably the king of this category.

It is worth checking independent reviews and benchmarks to see how well a given card performs in the gaming scenarios you expect to use it in most often, as this will narrow down your options.

Storage & power supply

Fast storage is a must-have for a gaming PC, and with solid state drives falling in price all the time, there is little excuse to opt for an older mechanical drive.

A 2.5 inch SSD with at least 500GB of space is a good starting point, but with some games clocking in at over 100GB these days, you should really look for larger capacity drives to avoid filling them up too quickly.

If you want an even more elegant solution, an M.2 NVME SSD that is compact enough to be screwed directly into the motherboard will work well.

It is important to power all of this costly kit adequately, so avoid the temptation to cut corners with the PSU you select. Opt for a reputable brand like Corsair or Silverstone, and seek out units with good efficiency ratings, with 80 Plus Bronze being a good starting point.

Monitor & peripherals

Finally, remember to pick a monitor, keyboard and mouse for your gaming PC that is fit for purpose. Gaming-tuned monitors, which have super fast refresh rates as opposed to higher resolutions, are a good choice here, with Asus being one of the leaders in this space.

Keyboard and mouse choices are vast, with colourful RGB lighting almost universal in the gaming segment. Again, reputable brands and professional reviews will point you in the direction of the best choices that fit your budget.

Final words

If your budget is limited and still wants a gaming pc, then go for AMD ryzen H series processors or you can also look for Intel’s H series CPUs having minimum 6 cores and 8GB of RAM.

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