Why EmailOversight is the Best in Email Validation

EmailOversight is the Best in Email Validation

EmailOversight is one of the most reputed providers of real time email verification and hygiene services which are used by customers in a worldwide scale to improve sender reputation.

The bulk email list validation services are important as companies need to send a lot of emails and they need to find out the status of all those email addresses.

EmailOversight is the Best in Email ValidationOnly when the addresses are deliverable and fully valid, companies can continue with the task. With the presence of these powerful tools and services, customers can be assured of 99.5% accuracy in cleaning of their emails.

The working procedure involves analysis of each and every email present in the list and validates all of their addresses to ensure a safe and proper delivery.

Importance of Email Address Verification by EmailOversight

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A lot of websites acquire the customer details for contact, mainly the email address. The most common way to acquire email addresses is by providing a form in the website.

When a user provides his or her email address, it has often been found to be incorrect. Whether it is by accident or intentional, in such cases the emails become inaccurate. Obviously such email addresses are undeliverable and they increase the number of the bounce back emails.

When the ratio of the bounce back emails increases, the mail server reputation gets negatively impacted. Popular email services like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, 10 Minute Mail and various other ISPs constantly monitors such IP addresses.

If the mail server reputation gets significantly poor, it is only a matter of time before it gets blacklisted. This is why email address verification or email validation is very important.

At EmailOversight, the customers can be sure that email list present after verification will be completely clean and valid. Thus, the bounce back ratio will decrease, which will save both money and time.

EmailOversight also helps by validating the email addresses by maximizing the deliverability of a business campaign.

They also separate the contacts with higher value from the low quality ones. With the help of the services from EmailOversight on email list validation, the customers can enjoy their peace of mind, aware of the fact that every email they send will be delivered properly to real persons.

Email Validation by EmailOversight

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At EmailOversight, the legitimacy of the email addresses is measured by various types of processes which include the combination of various techniques for validation, which mainly depend on the internal databases and the proprietary algorithms chosen.

When the email validation process comes to an end, the invalid email addresses are completely filtered off the list. Thus the remaining email addresses are all clean and legit emails, where information can be delivered. Customers can start sending business and marketing related information on them without worrying about delivery.

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The email validation process used by EmailOversight is as follows-

#1. Checking the Email Address Syntax

This procedure checks for the syntax of each email address. When an email is found which is formatted improperly as per the regulation of the IETF standards, it is discarded immediately and the process goes on.

#2. Checking the Domain/MX records

This process aims at the verification of the DNS entries of each email address. Whenever it is seen that a domain is invalid or a MX entry is found to be missing, the particular email address is marked as invalid and removed from the list. The process continues until no such emails are left in the given list.

#3. Detection of role based accounts

Whenever an email is sent to role based accounts like admin@ or info@, they are often delivered late. Sometimes, they are not delivered at all.

It has also been seen that sending emails to such role based accounts can result in the server being blacklisted by various ISPs. Therefore, the detection of such addresses is necessary and EmailOversight does just that and removes them.

#4. Detection of DEA

DEA or Disposable Email Addresses are also known as junk collector mails or throwaway email addresses as they are mainly used for bypassing various login forms or signup forms where the user doesn’t want to provide their own email addresses for verification.

These email addresses are disposable and needs to be cleared off the final list of clean emails. This process helps to do so.

#5. Detection of Spam Trap/Honeypot

This particular process is used by EmailOversight to check for the various spam traps. A lot of email addresses are solely created for creating spam seeds, honeypots, BOTs and various other useless tasks just to increase the count.

These email addresses are often used to blacklist and interaction with these addresses is absolutely unnecessary. Hence, this process checks for such spam traps by properly checking the domains of each email address. After detection, they are removed out from the list as usual and the rest are prepared to undergo the next validation process.

#6. Checking for Blacklisting of URI DNSBLs and DNSBLs

DNSBL stands for DNS based Blackhole list and such IP addresses along with RBL or Real time Blackhole list are used frequently for spamming purposes.

The URI DNSBL is a modified DNSBL which lists the typical names of the domain that are not found in legitimate mails but are mainly found in the spam email’s bodies.

Here, EmailOversight checks the IP addresses and the emails against the URI DNSBLs and the DNSBLs which are well known, hence identifying the spam email addresses and removing them.

#7. The Final Verification

After following all the processes mentioned above, the invalid email addresses are mostly wiped out. However, EmailOversight aims for accuracy, and so the final verification step takes care of the invalid email addresses that have been somehow left out so far.

In this stage, the SMTP verification is done on a deep and extended level for each and every email address. All of the emails are pinged to check for the existence of mailbox without any email being actually sent to them.

This clears out the rest of the junk mails and presents the emails which are completely clean and ready to be used for sending information.

With such brilliant services and an accuracy of 99.5%, it is of no surprise why EmailOversight is considered the best in email validation procedures.

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