Why Your Resume Keeps Getting Rejected and How to Fix It

Why Your Resume Keeps Getting Rejected and How to Fix It

You’ve been sending resumes to several companies, but the outcome is the same: “We regret to inform you…” Rejection letters have become all too familiar with your job-seeking ventures, but it makes no sense.

Your academic performance has been stellar, right from middle school to college. You boast an impressive track record, and your references and recommendations are solid. Still, you can’t land a job and are almost on the brink of giving up. If this sounds like you, you likely have a problem with your resume.

Today, we’ll highlight what are the common CV rejection reasons. We will also let you some probable reasons your resume never sails through and how you can fix it. Let’s dive right in below to know more.

Improper Formatting

The wrong formatting can make your resume hard to read and compromise its visual appeal. 76% of resumes are discarded because of this mistake and this can hurt your chances, especially if the hiring manager has a lot on their plate. A perfectly formatted resume could put you miles ahead of the competition.

Proper formatting improves readability and visual appeal. It also shows professionalism and helps convey information efficiently. All of these factors contribute to boosting your chances of landing the job.

You Have an Unprofessional Email

An unprofessional email is a huge red flag for recruiters. Most recruiters won’t open your resume if your email address is inappropriate or immature. Resumes from email addresses like Kungfujoey98@xyzmail.com or noobmaster31@abc.com are almost always rejected.

Ditch your college email address and create a professional one for your job applications and other formal communications. That way, you can demonstrate professionalism and send the right message. You can use firstname.lastname@emailprovider.com and alterations of the same as a professional email for your job applications.

Copy-Paste Resumes

Most people are guilty of using the run-of-the-mill copy-paste resume for job applications at least once. Unsurprisingly, they never make it through the shortlisting stage. Using copy-pasted resumes from the internet shows a lack of commitment and laziness and the AI based tools identify them easily.

Recruiters are less likely to take you seriously if you copy-paste your resume, especially if it’s shallow and lacks details. Take your time to craft a compelling resume that demonstrates your value proposition and paints you positively.

Typos and Errors

A resume with typos and errors will almost always end up in the rejected pile. Recruiters are looking for applicants who are keen on details and can do their jobs as required. Typos and grammatical errors tilt towards carelessness, showing you didn’t care enough to proofread your resume.

It’s worth noting that grammar and spell checkers can only do so much to eliminate typos and other errors. Sure, they’re helpful, but you’ll want to proofread your work manually to be safe. Don’t let a single typo ruin your chances of landing your dream job.

Reject Resume Rejections

Fix your resume and rise above the competition with the above anti-resume rejection tips. Don’t forget that resume writing is an art that must be refined and perfected over time. Use every resource at your disposal to ensure you build a winning resume that leaves a lasting impression on recruiters and gets you that lucrative career opportunity.

Your resume is the only thing standing between you and a bright and fruitful future. Make sure it counts. By keeping these points in mind, you can improve your resume and make your application more effective. Remember that a resume is your first point of contact, so it’s important to get it right. The key to success is continuous effort and continuous improvement and the right job will be in your basket!