4 Software Pieces That Will Help You Survive Writing Remotely

Survive Writing Remotely

Do you travel a lot? Embrace writing – it is the perfect job/hobby for you. However, do you have the perfect software set to masterfully pull off book or blog writing remotely with ease?

Unlike some years ago, producing a complete written masterpiece outside the comforts of your own home or office is now a definite possibility. Now, you don’t need tons of papers and pens to jot down your thoughts once they pop out while you are on the road in the middle of nowhere without any internet connection.

Today, you don’t need to wait to get to your office to create layouts for your write-ups. With these pieces of writing software, you can now certainly do your work literally anytime and anywhere. Here are the 4 best softwares that will help you survive writing remotely.

Survive Writing Remotely4 Software Pieces That Will Help You Survive Writing Remotely

#1. WriteMonkey

Content creation requires focus. That is why WriteMonkey boasts of its so-called distraction-free interface. This software has file organizer, advanced formatting and annotating, automatic syntax highlighting, superior outlining, and more. But its interface is still simple and less confusing. And what’s even better about WriteMonkey – it’s free!

#2. Plagramme

Producing duplicate contents at a certain percentage within a write-up without actually meaning to do so is a possibility nowadays with the thousands (or probably millions) of articles in the World Wide Web. You may want to check your original content to avoid any trouble with the search engines in the future. Plagramme is an online plagiarism software that can check for sentence duplication.

It has its free version. But if you would want to use it for the long haul, you may want to check the premium package. Another great thing about Plagramme is that you can use it for different languages, not just English.

#3. Freemind

Although this software’s interface looks pretty much old school, Freemind can help you organize your thoughts better. It lives up to its title as it aids on “freeing your mind” and actually mapping your ideas through literal bubble thoughts which are plotted in sequence.

This is best when you are having some problem with writer’s block or you simply want to document some keywords on your travel. It may look like some outdated software, but it back up complex diagrams.

#4. Scribus

Book writing or magazine creation can now be accomplished even when you are miles away into travel. Scribus is an excellent desktop publication software readily available for Windows, Linux and even OS X. You can easily create your book or magazine layout here for free! It supports multi-page documents with superior color management and more. If you have used Adobe In-design before, you will certainly get the hang of it quickly.

Finishing your blogs and books even when you are half-way across the world is now a big possibility because of the above-mentioned software pieces.

You can now just enjoy the journey, then write all your thoughts and learning experiences down without having to think too much about deadlines and rushing into going back home or to your office. Just download these pieces of software and keep on writing