Best Tinder Tricks to Multiply your Matches

tinder tricks

Let’s look at Tinder tricks to get a best matching date on daily basis… Millions of users swipe each other every day, new couples are created, but still, the biggest part of them is ignored. How to make your Ukrainian women dating on Tinder more successful?

Check out our Tinder hacks below and do apply this so you can get best matched date without any major hard work!

tinder tricksTinder Tricks to improve your Chance of getting a Date

Well guys, it all begins with a single picture…

Single High Quality Picture

This is one of the best Tinder tricks. This simple trick works in any dating application or sites like tinder. Just remember the basic thing: no matter how deep and diverse your inner world is, on platforms like Tinder, you will always be judged by how you look. Men and women decide to swipe or not to swipe just in seconds, so pay attention to your primary photo. Be sure that:

  • This is a high-quality picture;
  • Your face is not hidden behind sunglasses, headgear, or objects of an interior;
  • It’s not a selfie;
  • It’s not a group photo;
  • It’s not only your body parts there.

From the very first sight, a person who looks at your pic should be interested in you. Just imagine a profile picture you would like yourself and try to do the same.

The next step is adding other photos. Don’t forget to add some pics from your travels (if you have ones), with your pets (if you have ones), and you doing your hobbies. The key purpose of this trick is to demonstrate you’re truly interesting personality + you will show your sincere intentions to build serious relationships (if you need them).

When the shorter is better

Yes, we talk about your profile bio. Why it is important to keep it short and witty? The reason why people use online dating apps and sites, besides the opportunity to cover as many potential dates as possible, is that they don’t have much time today. Your description must hit hearts like a bullet.

Forget about boring descriptions like “I’m keen on reading.” Tease your potential dates’ imagination; show them what you want them to see in you. And don’t forget about humor. Both men and women value this trait in people, so don’t afraid to spice up your bio with few jokes.

Better think twice before you write

Do you know what evokes repulsion more often than dull bios and stupid selfies on Tinder? Corny introducing texts. Really, normal people don’t want to waste their time on banalities; they need a result as quickly as possible.

Of course, nowadays, it’s okay to spend a few days chatting to get to know a potential date better, but it happens only if you are good at writing a sophisticated conversation starter. Yes, not everyone can do that, and you will need to make a couple mistakes to improve your conversation skill. But please, forget about “What’s up?” and “Hey!” for good. Tell something that evokes a desire to communicate, ask a question concerning their profile. Be unique!

Swipe and like with your heart

Fine pics and smart jokes in conversation starters do only 50% of your success on Tinder. Not many users know that the app has its own tricky algorithm that ranks the lonely hearts from the best to, well, not very desired.

The trick is the choosier you are, the higher score you get, which means you will be in the very beginning of the potential matches’ list. To increase your chances to get the best match and have a good date, here are the last tricks:

  • Swipe right only if the profile is really worth your attention. Don’t “attack” every single profile you see;
  • If you have matches, text every one of them and don’t hold up;
  • Engage your matches to long and interesting communication.

The same concerns Super Likes. Use them only if you really liked a profile. Moreover, your profile also should be great to appear on the top of the list.

The trick is to be the best so that only the most desirable profiles could see you on Tinder.

How to boost and not get busted

The function Tinder Boost can raise you to the tops of the zone of the search for 30 minutes. It really can increase your chances to find a match, but… it depends. Of course, each application has its own peak hours when the users are engaged in searching and swiping the most.

You’ll uselessly spend your boosts if you decide to do it on Monday morning. Obviously, the activity increases in the evenings, so be careful with that tool. It’s not for free, and you risk losing your money… and a long-awaited date.

So guys that’s all!

If you think these tinder tricks can improve your chance of getting a date on tinder then please share it on social sites and keep visiting us for new updates!