Is your iPhone 7 battery draining fast? Do you want to know how can you fix iPhone 7 battery life? If these are your questions and you need the solution then keep reading this post until the end. In this guide, we will explain you, how can you fix the iPhone 7 battery life issue for free.
The battery drain is an extremely common problem of the iPhone. So it hasn’t been surprising to see the complaints from new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus users. This problem is being faced by the many users and now they just want to fix iPhone 7 battery life problems.
#Response 1: The iPhone 7 plus battery is so bad, I’ve been using it for one hour and it’s almost dead already.
#Response 2: Weird, the rate at which Bluetooth drains battery on my iPhone 7 seems far greater than any of my Android devices.
How to fix iPhone 7 Battery Life Problems?
The problems regarding the battery life of iPhone 7 are already popping up for new users. If you’re sure… your phone’s battery is draining faster than normal, you’ve come to the right place. In this tech guide, we will show you how to fix iPhone 7 battery life on the regular model and the iPhone 7 Plus.
So here are a few things to try… if you’re experiencing the iPhone 7 battery life problems:
1.) Wait 2 or 3 Days
If you just opened your iPhone 7 or 7 Plus and you start to notice weird battery drain, don’t be alarmed. This is a normal and common problem and it could take 2 or 3 days for your device to settle in.
If the phone is still exhibiting abnormal battery drain after 2 or 3 days, it is time to dig into the problem. Keep Reading!
Point to Remember: The battery drain problem in iPhone 7 or 7 plus can also happen after you install a new iOS update. If you’ve just upgraded the hardware, updated to iOS 10, or restored, give things a day or so to finish up and go back to normal.
2.) Use Low Power Mode
The iPhone 7 comes with low power mode feature that saves a lot of battery. This feature extends the battery life. It stretches out the last 10-20% of battery life without killing off core services.

So, if you want to save some the battery life or experiencing abnormal drain in the new iPhone 7 then you should start using this feature.
Go to the Phone Settings > Battery > Toggle Low Power Mode ON to activate this feature manually.
3.) Use Airplane Mode in the Bad Service Area
If you think, in this particular location… the signals are weak then you should Turn ON the airplane mode. In the bad service area, the phone will extremely hard to pull down a signal. This whole process consumes a lot of battery, even can destroy your device’s battery completely.
So it is better to Turn ON the airplane mode and Turn OFF when you leave the bad service area.

4.) Manage the Display of Phone Properly
The phone’s display consumes a lot of battery. So, if you don’t manage the display properly, then it will eat up the battery.
It is good to adjust the brightness level manually. Increase it when you need, otherwise keep it low.
So, if want to manage the display brightness, then follow the simple steps:
- Swipe up the Screen from the Bottom (Swipe Bottom to UP).
- Brightness Level Line will appear on The Screen.
- Drag the Small Dot On Line to Left or Right to Decrease or Increase the Brightness Level Respectively
5.) Try This: Turn Off, Reset, Restart
The iPhone 7 battery can be extended by these tricks… SEE BELOW:
- Turn Off the Location Services and Automatic Updates.
- Set Auto-Lock to 30 Seconds.
- Avoid the Animated Wallpapers and Images.
- Restart the Phone. It could solve your iPhone 7 battery life woes.
- If none of the above works, Reset the Settings – Go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings.
This process could take a few minutes and might resolve your battery life issues.
If all fails then you visit the Apple official store. If you don’t live close to an Apple Store, you can call 1-800-MY-APPLE in order to set up a mail-in repair.
So follow these free tips to fix iPhone 7 battery life problems. If any of these power-saving tips worked for you, let me know!
If you’ve got any tips of your own, let me know that too!