KMP external codec cpu arm64-v8a Downloads!

KMP external codec

Everyone looks KMP external codec cpu arm64-v8a downloads to play a special media file. So, if you have been looking for the latest KMP App Custom Codec then checkout the below given options to download it for free!

What’s the Kmp exteranl codec?

Well, Kmp is a media player like VLC. It is also known as the K-media player and support a lot of video formats. But to run specific media files, this need a special kind of script or code which known as codec.

So, by downloading KMP external codec file we enhance the k-media player capability. And now this player will run the specific media files smoothly without any issue.

KMP external codec

How to Download KMP external codec

The downloading process of this codec is quite easy. You can download it on your mobile and it will work on those mobiles that are packed with CPU arm64-v8a. So let’s see how to get it!

  1. Please download KMP external codec from here on your phone inside the “Download” folder on your smartphone.
  2. Extract the zip to find a .so file.
  3. Go to Downloads folder in your main storage and create a folder called “KMP”
  4. Move the .so file to KMP folder.
  5. Update the settings in kmp app – make sure you have checked the External codec use
  6. Now, restart the KMPlayer app, and enjoy your video.

Note: Keep in both /sdcard/KMP and /sdcard/Download.

You can even restart your mobile if the codec doesn’t work. A restart will fix a lot of issue and you can enjoy the video’s streaming without any lag or notification.

KMP external codec use setting in preferences under km player app

Regarding the download – if the above link doesn’t work then you can download codec via this alternate link.

So that’s all about the KMP codec!

If you have any questions then please let us know in the comment section below and don’t forget to share it with others on social sites.