How to Unlock iPhone X Without Face Id?

Unlock iPhone X Without Face Id

How to Unlock iPhone X Without Face Id? Well this is the question people always ask because of some unlocking problem in iPhone X. Face Id is an apple‘s iPhone feature that let people unlock their device by face recognition in day as well as in night. User has to place their face in front of the camera and rest device does to unlock.

Unlock iPhone X Without Face IdWhy people want to unlock iPhone X without Face Id?

Well some times people don’t like to do face recognition and sometimes the device go fishy. There are many things or you can say problems people are getting from this feature. So, people don’t want to use this feature.

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How to Unlock iPhone X Without Face Id?

Through this post I am going to share with  you how to unlock iPhone X without Face Id. But before that it is not mandatory to use Face Id to unlock your iPhone. You can simply set to unlock with a pass code.

Here are the steps to update your settings to unlock iPhone X without face id and use some other authentication ways.

  1. First go to Settings in your iPhone to set passcode.
  2. In the list, tap on “Face ID and Passcode” option and turn “Turn Passcode On” setting on.
  3. Tap on “Passcode Options” and set a six digit or four digit numeric passcode.
  4. Next reenter the Passcode one more time and tap on “Confirm”.
  5. Your passcode has been set and from now on you can unlock your iPhone X without Face Id by typing your secret passcode.

How to unlock iPhone X without Face Id

These are the simple steps you need to follow to unlock iPhone X without Face Id using Passcode.

The main prospect of “Face Id” was to provide security to iPhone users data and device so that no one can hack or fetch data.

Other Ways To Disable Face Id

There are 3 more ways to do so.

  1. If you stay your iPhone X locked and unused for a long time more than 48 hours, you can disable FaceId temporary.
  2. Force this feature to disable, try 5 unsuccessful attempts.
  3. Usinf Find My iPhone to remotely locking your iPhone can also disable Face Id temporary.


So there are the best available ways to unlock your iPhone X without Face Id. You can unlock your iPhone by wrong attempts, with the help of Find My iPhone and also some steps to set passcode from settings.

Try them out and comment about your results!