Tech Articles

Tech articles to solve issues related to the gadgets and technology apps people are facing. Follow the steps and solve the issue you are facing in your gadget’gadgets.

how to speed up android phone in just few minutes

7 Things You Should Do To Speed Up Android Smartphone

Why is my phone so slow? If you’re looking for an answer to this question, then you are at right. Here I tell you...
Recover Deleted Whatsapp Data in Android

How to Recover Deleted Whatsapp Data in Android?

How to Recover Deleted Whatsapp Data in Android? : Whatsapp is the well-known best app among all chatting apps available in the current online world...

How to Clear The Cache (Delete Junk Files) on Smartphone?

When you use a smartphone (Android, Windows and iOS), then you have to face a lot of problems. Out of these problems, one problem...
create a strong password unique and remember it

How to Create a Strong Password that’s Easy to Remember?

Password is a unique security key which is used to lock the important data. Using this security key, you can secure your private data...

3 Easiest Ways to Send a Blank Message on WhatsApp

Whatsapp is a popular app, used to send or receive messages.  If you have a smartphone then everybody will recommend this app because it...

How to Turn ON or OFF Mobile Data and Data Roaming?

In this current digital era, everybody uses the Internet. If you have a mobile then you surely want to use the internet on your...

6 Smart Tips to Solve Hanging Problem of a Phone

Many times you must have heard about the phone hanging problem. It is a common issue of a smartphone, which is faced by millions...
Close the Background Running Applications

How to Close the Background Running Applications?

Close the Background Running Applications: Is your phone getting slow? Is your smartphone unable to play the apps smoothly? Or does your phone hang a...

Lastest in Tech

How to Fix the OnePlus Green Line Problem: Solutions & Tips

OnePlus smartphones have made a name for themselves all over the world due to their premium features and excellent performance. It competes with flagships...